

Mercosur Permanent Residence

Definitive Residency Procedure for Mercosur nationals with the intention of residing, working, or simply accessing Uruguayan documents.

Legal Residency

We have extensive experience in Legal Residency procedures and in the various immigration processes necessary to reside, work, or simply access Uruguayan documents.

Nationality for Children and Grandchildren

We provide a comprehensive nationality service to children and grandchildren of Uruguayans who want to obtain a Uruguayan identity card and passport.

Tax Residency

We take care of all the procedures and advice necessary to obtain the Uruguayan Tax Residency Certificate from the General Tax Directorate.

Relocation & Real Estate

Together with our network of agents, we provide all the necessary services for your settlement in Uruguay and for the purchase and rental of properties to live or invest in the country.


We provide Management services in Uruguay, carrying out all types of procedures and procedures in public organizations.

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